Listening / Leadership by Chase Cord

Active listening could elevate collaboration and communication when trying to solve a problem. For whoever needs to hear this: Learn to listen and listen to learn. It is important to understand that communicating effectively requires listening and sharing genuine and meaningful ideas. If you are too busy forming opinions, checking texts, clicking your pen, etc. then you are sending nonverbal messages that you either don't care, or you have something better to do. Either way, this person probably won't come back to you for support. I have always been a quiet person, but I am quiet for a reason. I enjoy listening. I enjoy listening to stories and hearing about people's day or their experiences. This way I am gathering data. I am processing information and I can internalize it completely before sharing my insights, knowledge or opinions.
I challenge you to hold onto your own ideas until you fully understand their story. This gives you the opportunity to understand their struggle, experience(s), and/or uncertainties. In order to do this, you must clear your mind to gain focus. Lastly, approach conversations as a student. Leaders understand that there is always more knowledge to gain. There are always better or more efficient ways to get something done. Go into your next challenge or next phase with the mindset that you are a student ready to learn and grow. Once you learn how to listen, you will then start listening to learn.